Yesterday marked four years since Christina walked into the presence of Jesus. As the day unfolded,
I had more and more reasons to celebrate Christina's legacy.
Doug and I took Isaiah to Christina's favorite breakfast place (again). We never tire of the atmosphere, the memories and the good food at Chestnut Cottage. Many a Sunday, after church, Christina would ask her Dad if we could please go to Chestnut Cottage. I don't remember Doug ever turning her down. It was also the scene of their last Daddy-Daughter date after hospice care began.
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Doug (Ahmann) and Isaiah |
After breakfast, we took Isaiah to a store to buy a "bouncy" ball that he had worked and saved money for. As we were leaving the store, we saw a man on the corner, holding a sign. Isaiah asked what the sign said. I told him he needed money for food and housing. Isaiah said, "I could give him the rest of my money." We turned the car around and headed back to the corner. We talked about how giving money to those who have needs is like giving directly to Jesus. We told the man about giving to him was also a gift to Jesus. He said, "Amen to that. Thank you, Isaiah." And Isaiah gave him the rest of his money. (Not much, but all he had.)
Isaiah is 4 1/2. I have kept a letter that Christina wrote to Isaiah just before she left us. I have never read it to Isaiah because I wasn't sure he could understand. In the past few months, both Susan and I have thought that he is old enough to take it in. We had a quiet little moment with Doug and Susan, Isaiah, and Doug and I. I read the letter to Isaiah. He certainly did understand it. I am so thankful Christina took the time to write that letter. It was lengthy, rich, encouraging and beautiful. Here is a little sample.
..."I'm sure many will tell you the story of us and how you came to be. The main thing, though, that I would love you and anyone else who comes across your story is to be struck by 'WOW!' What a miracle, and what a beautiful God we serve! I pray, Isaiah, that this never ends! I pray that when people look at your life, they see Jesus."......
There may have been a few tears.
In the evening, we had a barbecue dinner with a few friends and family. We told stories of Christina--her words, her actions, her impact. Of course, there was humor. Some special classmates of Christina's sent a very funny story from Port Angeles Symphony days. (Christina and Emily laughing until they cried in the back of the violin section--and trying to come up with tragic ideas that would help them settle down.) 😀
We also shared stories of Heaven and her conversations with Jesus nearing the end of her life here. We heard about the serious talks with friends about why Doug and Christina would choose to have Isaiah. And we heard about how Christina reached out to others even when she was spending her last weeks on earth.
And then we visited Ocean View and shared German chocolate cupcakes (Christina's favorite kind of cake) and worshiped (her favorite activity). It is always important to me to sing praises to God out there. It's like an act of war against death. Jesus wins--I love to sing about it!
We are so thankful for Christina's life,
her choices,
her faith,
her joy.
The link below is from 1 1/2 years ago when Jesse and I played at "The Faith Puzzle" in Sequim. We did some of Christina's favorite music with a slide show in the background. I hope you enjoy the memories with us.
Jesse and Jo Dee's Musical Memorial of Christina